Our team of dedicated health professionals are here to serve you. We combine extensive knowledge in the field of chiropractic medicine with a passion for helping people feel better. It is our goal to create a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely on for all of your chiropractic needs.


Donna does our billing and works front desk, helps move patients where they need to be, and answers billing and payment questions. SUPER nice and VERY attentive to detail! She is also a military spouse so can relate to our military patients very well. I will add that after being in Hawaii a few years, she thinks our Kansas Heartland weather is CRAZY! But none the less, thank goodness she is here for a long while! We just love her!


Although you may not see Bailey in the office as often, she is our backstage help contracted for our bookkeeping, taxes, and payroll. But when she is in, it’s as if she is always here and picks up right where she is needed! We really appreciate that!